Want to get involved and help us grow?

Ambassador Program

The Ambassador Committee is an outreach and retention program designed to connect individuals from local businesses who are interested in helping the West Austin community grow and prosper. Ambassadors are volunteers, who on behalf of the Chamber, engage with the community to encourage membership and active support of Chamber programs, assist with recruiting new members, and connect new members for the purposes of cultivating a vibrant business community.

Christine Alt

Christine Alt

Christine Alt Marketing Professionals, LLC

Kevin Wilmore

Kevin Wilmore

Lone Star Local

Woman Silhouette

Rami Waters

Man Silhouette

Lane Reichek

Woman Silhouette

Alli Bouwman



How Can I volunteer?

Offer to serve on a committee or be considered for a board position. There are lots of ways to get involved!

Membership Committee

Volunteer for the Membership Committee! The goal is to help execute the Member strategy approved bythe board.

Events committee

Volunteer for the Events Committee!
Members of this committee assist in the promotion and execution of chamber sponsored events.

Can I bring friends to volunteer with me?

Of course!

Contact Us!

Thank you for your interest! Email us at info@westaustinchamber.org and let us know you're interested in volunteering!